Thursday, June 27, 2013

New School , New Friends = A new start ; creating new memories

O'levels was done , results made a huge impact upon my life. For that moment it felt like my whole world has crashed down upon me , it felt as if the future that i once planned has faded into the darkness. Those painful moments where you know that the path we'd take differs from everyone elses.
In the end , here i am in MDIS , fulfilling a course that i truly enjoy. Its been almost 5 months since school started and i have found an amazing group of people who is always brightening up my day. They made my journey in this school so far much more amazing. They are here throughout all the good times as well as bad times and I am truly thankful for getting the chance to have been friends with them. For they are always here for me like no one else has ever been.
Throughout these months , we've created so many sweet , silly memories together. Birthdays , lunchs , dinners , outings , studying together , all the fun moments are those that i'll cherish always.
What i once thought was a dark path , ended up being the route i don't regret taking.
Life has been so much brighter ever since.
I've let go of my past , accepted my present and is awaiting for my future.

I truly am grateful for all these wonderful people that has entered my life and is willing to stay.

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