Saturday, September 21, 2013

Latest Update

Oh goodness , i totally did not realize how long it has been since i last updated. 
Though i doubt anyone actually reads my blog since its well , personal. hahaha.
Anyways, its been about a month since i last updated. So here's a quick post to update whats been happening lately. :P 


 So this was during class, our final TVRP lesson. Casually watching our talk shows & news broadcast videos we did for our assignments. It was really entertaining to watch ourselves like that. :P 

Following that would be during our formal presentation for our TPSW lesson. Overall i'd say thats a wrap to our first term of diploma. Followed by our study break to prepare for exams before the start of term 2. 
 Here is a collage of that nice friday , jalan raya with my sweethearts. Yes there are some good and bad points but at the end of the day we're all like family. 
It was a fun filled day. starting off from yishun , to bedok , tampines and back to bedok. It was a really long day but defnitely well spent. 

  Oh right, i didnt update. We are officially together ever since 16 August 2013. He sweetly asked me at the esplanade rooftop. It was unexpected but of course i accepted it.
This was taken when we went for ignite 2013 together, Support local bands yo. :P It was too late to go home so i casually stayed over at his place. Hehehehe. his mum was as adorable as ever . his family of course was really nice to me :) Weekend well spent.
 The start of my study break, me and kashah casually decided to make use of our privilege cards and spent a whole afternoon at USS :) we had a really great time though we got relatively soaked half the time. Laughs , Games and ended of the night with a hot drink at coffee bean. :P Monday well spent. 
This was a really sweet day , we went to habourfront , had a tub of ben & jerry's together. Took a stroll at the board walk. We even had time for a mini photoshoot. Endlessly taking photos of each other :P But of course this was one of my favourite. 
And to think that this sweetheart right here will always be by my side <3 font="" nbsp=""> 
 So we all decided to help shai out with her film by being the cast of it as well as let her use our different love stories as the heart of her film. We have yet to start filming but running lines and such was fun so far. Still need to get to know some of the other cast members better. *Fingers crossed* Hopefully it all goes well. 
16Sept : Monday,
It was our one month together. Though we dont really celebrate but we acknowledge it. We had ben & jerry's at buona vista. The place was beautiful. Then explored Jurong (Jcube/Jem). 
Ended the night by watching hockey players practice with a bag of chips and nacho cheese dip. :P
simple yet enjoyable. 
Well i accompanied him to buy his BMTH ticket and then we watched the purge together. Had dinner then a stroll around town. Long talks and he'd casually sing to me once in awhile.
It was rally nice as to how much we were starting to open up and understand each other even more.  :) 
20Sept : 
Accompanied him to buy his GTA 5 at bishan. 
Had a cup of pure vanilla at coffee bean. 
Took a walk to the nearby stadium and since it was closed we chilled at the nearby swimming pool. Watched people swim as we had random talks & of course took silly pictures.
Short evening spent together but definitely well spent friday night. 

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