Monday, February 17, 2014

17 Feb ~

 So since everyone else had things to do, met up with this guy yesterday. 

I couldnt stay out long so it was a short meet up in the afternoon.

We decided to go for kbox , had lunch while singing mindlessly for almost 3hours.

From english to korean songs. oh my i couldnt even. 
 We sang, screamed, danced, jumped around like complete idiots and ended up bursting into laughter each time.

It was as though we were having our own personal concert. I had so much fun, definitely a really entertaining way to relieve stress.

Overly dramatic while singing, yeap definitely fun. So we were planning to go ice-skating but there wasnt time. 
 In the end, we made our way to habourfront and shared a cup of ben&jerry's ice-cream. 

Ice-cream to cool off our throats. Yes really yummy ice-cream. 

Talked about life, school, work and just yeah everything. 

A total habit for both of us to end up talking about life's future/career etc whenever we meet. 
Really sad that i had to go home early, but nonetheless it was a really fun day.

Plus today he is starting school, so it was a fun way to spend his last day of holiday.

Downside would be that im not joining him and the others back at school. Its okay, shall look forward to seeing the others soon enough somehow. 

Oh how he was dreading to head back to school. hahahaha. Its okay. He can do that while i rot at home still busy trying to find a job. 

Okay to sum it up, yesterday was a good day. 

Till here.


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