Monday, December 16, 2013


Back in november , we had a surprise simple birthday celebration for both eujinn and elyna. Simple lunch and cake at pastamania to relaxing and playing game of life at Gardens By The Bay.
Definitely an addition to our memories created together. 
 That random saturday, Met up with these two sillyheads. We went for the macbeth sale , got myself some new kicks.
Other than that we basically went for dinner and just chilled by the steps at SOTA.
Simple saturday evening. 
 Cant really pinpoint when this was but anyways, met up with them. Basically got drenched in the rain, ran around, talked alot, chilled at macdonalds.
Nothing much but all is well.

I've grown so much closer to them lately. 
Always having my back, always being there for me. 
For some reason, they'd always see right through me.
Really grateful for their presence.
 9 December : 
Early in the morning he dropped me a text, casually asking for a meet up. 
So after my exam, i head down to city hall , met up , had dinner, he brought me to a rooftop at the shoppes (mbs) and well we talked. I really needed that peaceful and calming moment up there, with the view and the wind. 
I may not have really stated what was wrong but as always he noticed. So he convinced me to talk about whatever it was that was bothering me. He knew i've been hiding how i felt , pretending that it was all okay. Of course, he became my shoulder to cry on. I was really relieved that night. Then we literally walked a whole round from esplanade, passing mbs, passing fullerton and back to city hall.
He's like an older brother i never had. Definitely grateful.

Now, i cant remember when this photo was taken but oh wells. We all know who this is :P My sister from another mister.
hahaha kidding. Anyways, i've been seeing her quite often lately, i like it that way. 
She'd listen to me , no matter what i had to say , be it good or bad. To think she tolerated all my rantings and mood swings and weird inconsistent state of mind. Well she knows i love her for it.

I'm really glad to have become really close to her once again. She gets sad when she cant really comfort me. 
However, her presence means so much more than any words could say. 

Till here ~


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